How to connect your first Customer's account

Create a Customer

To use Hospitable Connect we start at the root level, a customer. A customer represents a user in your own business. In order to establish a connection with an OTA we need to know of the user. To do this you may start with creating a Customer in Hospitable connect

// Response
  "data" {
    "id": "my-personal-identifier",  

It is advised to make all the HTTP requests in such a way that they cannot be monitored by visitors intending harm

Create an Auth Code

After the customer is registered within Hospitable Connect you may issue an auth code for this customer. An auth code is a way for the Customer to enter the Platform Connection flow. Entering the Platform Connection flow allows your Customer to grant Hospitable Connect to access their Airbnb data.

// Response  
  "data": {
    "return_url": "<">

Redirect the Customer to Hospitable Connect

As you can see the auth code returns a return_url in its response. You may now send the customer to this URL.

Once the customer lands on the URL, they will be presented with an information screen and a link to Airbnb.
Here they can grant access for Hospitable Connect to serve as a middle man between Airbnb and you, the vendor.

After granting access, we will submit the channel and its listings to you via webhooks, in the meantime the user will be redirected back to your application through the redirect_url. you've used during the auth code creation.